sj billboard team



Shazam is a song search engine it is not a streaming app. Just like google, its a search engine to find a song.Shazam data is used to determine the popularity of the song.

Main Billboard Charts

Complete list of main billboard charts requirements.

Social 50

The Social 50 chart is calculated by Subscribers/Followers/Likes which make up (on average) 60% of the chart’s overall points with Views/Plays accounting for 30%, and Others 10% (Source NBS)

What is Shazam Chart?

Shazam generates its own charts based on how many shazams a song gets. The more people Shazam a song, the higher it climbs on the charts. There is a global chart that features the top 200 most shazamed tracks in the world, and also country-based andcity-based charts, featuring the most shazamed tracks in selected cities and countries.Users can discover popular songs through the Shazam charts

How Shazam helps on Billboard charts?

Radio Stations worldwide look at shazam counts and rankings to see popular songs and mostly play the top songs. Thus more shazams means more radioplays. Shazam helps with radio play. It’s a major factor in how radio stations choose their songs.

Radioplays contributes 30-40% to Billboard Hot 100 chart.Radio Stations decide their song selection on the basis of shazam chart.Thus the popularity of the song is determined by shazam count.The more a song get radio plays the more it will help in Billboard Hot 100.

shazam tuturial link below👇

Main Billboard charts requirements!

The Hot 100 chart = Radio play (US only) + Sales Data (US only) + Streaming Data (US only)
The Billboard 200 chart = album and track sales (US only) + streaming (US only).
Both the Top Album Sales chart and the World Album Chart are based on sales; both physical and digital, around the world.
Social 50 Chart = Followers & Engagement (Twitter, Facebook,Instagram), Streaming (Youtube, Spotify, Pandora) & Wikipedia
Korea Hot 100 = Digital Sales, downloads & Music Site Data (Korea Only)
Japan Hot 100 = Digital Sales, downloads & Music Site Data (Japan Only)
Artist 100 = Depends on Billboard 100 + Billboard Hot 100 + Social 50 (Overall Performance Rank on these Charts)

What is Next Big Sound (NBS)?

It provides analytics for online music and popularity of artists/groups.They collect their data from all social media platforms (official accounts of artist)
Platforms from where data is collected by NBS

What is Twitter Engagement?
It depends on Retweets and Replies by users on tweet
that is tweeted by a artist or user that mentions the artist.

What is Facebook Engagement?
It depends on likes /comment /mentions/share by users on post by official page

What is Wikipedia Visits?
Wikipedia is one of the major metric on Next Big Sound (NBS provided analytics for online music and popularity of artist) Wikipedia is a leading indicator of the performance of many other metrics, from social signals to sales figures. (source NBS)

What does Streaming includes?
Youtube streaming plays a major role to count for Social 50 Chart.There are also other streaming/media platforms that count for chart e.g Spotify, Pandora etc. Pandora is an american streaming radio service